
Speed Reading Techniques


                Source: The Conversation

Speed reading is the process of swiftly and easily recognizing and assimilating words, phrases or sentences on a page together, instead of identifying individual words.

The level of information we take in daily, is ever increasing because Knowledge is Inexhaustible. We learn always via various ways; Emails, journals, social media, books and magazines at home and more.

Research says Sub-vocalizers read at an average rate of 250 words per minute (wpm), Auditory readers at 450 words per minute and Visual readers at 700 words per minute . There’s a common trait with speed reading techniques, a process that should be avoided known as “sub-vocalization”, that is internal speech when reading, Instead, you “skim” lines or groups of words, as it is natural to understand words more quickly than you can say them.

                             Source: ISO

In speed reading, to avoid sub-vocalizing, pay attention to words collectively rather than individual ones. You may achieve this by concentrating your gaze, so that you stop seeing words as single units. Consequently, your eyes move faster on the page.

There are three types of reading:

1. Sub-vocalization: This refers to speech internally, reading to yourself. This is said to be the slowest form of reading.

2. Auditory reading: The words are been heard, recognized as a faster way to read.

3. Visual reading: This is the fastest process. It is understanding the meaning of the word, rather than sounding or hearing.

Studies have found that the faster you read, the less information you absorb, Especially for details sake. Similarly, it would be reasonable to read gently if the material you’re reading is new or for training purposes.

                            Source: CNN

Here are some tips to improve you:

1. When reading, Create a conducive environment both internally and externally. Avoid interruptions and distractions as possible, it helps you focus totally on the words as you read

2. Start on easy mode:
Read simple articles for a start, uncomplicated novel to know the technique that suits you. Monitor how much you remember or understood from the text.

3. Cover words that you’ve already read: You may want to literally close words you’ve read. It helps you avoid redundancy.

4. Set a goal for reading:
This is helpful in the skimming method, this way you pay attention when you see important information, words or sentences. You can take note of them at this point for emphasis, otherwise keep reading.

5. Guage your progress:
Here you monitor your progress. You can take many free speed reading assessments online.

6. Use a timer:
This is the opportunity to checkmate your speed. Use a time piece to monitor your reading rate and know how to increase it. Set a timer for yourself, check how many pages covered and improve where necessary.

7. *Keep at it:*
You have to practice speed reading to get good at it. The more you train yourself, the more natural it will flow.

             Source: Healthline

Findings indicates that trained speed readers have a slight advantage in both comprehension and speed to untrained skimmers. Experts submits that speed-reading is most useful to those who need “to skim a large amount of material or need to improve their study skills” and less essential to those who read “highly technical material that requires careful study of each sentence”


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