

We are in a time where the economy seems to be biting into people’s finances. Prior to this time, wealth creation has been a challenge for a lot of people, which can be attributed to a lack of financial literacy.

What often separates the wealthy from the poor, isn’t just opportunities or geographic location. It has more to do with financial literacy.

Financial literacy goes beyond just knowing what money is, there is much more to financial literacy and that is why many lack it. If it was common knowledge possessed by everyone, then wealth creation would have been the easiest thing to do, but that is not the case.

What is financial literacy?

When deciding what to do with your money, financial literacy refers to a variety of skills that you might use. Some are simple and clear. For instance, how to add and subtract money earned, spent, and saved. While others need a sophisticated blend of arithmetic and assessment of risk.

Financial literacy also refers to the ability to comprehend and apply a range of financial concepts and skills, such as personal financial management, budgeting, and investing.

It is the bedrock of the relationship you have with money, and it is an ongoing process of learning. The sooner you begin, the better off you will be, because education is the key to wealth creation and you can’t take anything from that.

Why is financial literacy important?

Financial literacy is a set of skills that includes financial, credit, and debt management information to help people make financially sound decisions in their daily lives.

Paying off debt, making a budget, and comprehending the differences between various financial products are all part of it.

In short, financial literacy has a significant effect on households as they attempt to balance their budgets, purchase a home, and support their children’s education, or retirement plan.

Those who are resident in booming economies, as well as those in economies that are on the rise or developing economies, are also faced with lots of difficulties due to a lack of financial literacy.

Financial responsibility is on the upswing, which makes financial literacy important not only because it paves the way for wise financial decisions.

How does financial literacy work?

Financial literacy is a continuous path that involves both pleasant and terrible times because it starts with your first contact with money. It can be developed through reading educational content about personal finance, but it can also be gained through real-life experiences.

With financial literacy, you have the capacity to analyze the benefits and drawbacks of a financial decision and confidently make a decision.

On the other hand, being financially literate offers the opportunity to look for the information you need to make wise financial decisions; it does not indicate that you know all there is to know about money.

When presented with a financial decision, financially literate people frequently ask themselves the following questions:

How much will this cost you?

What is the difference between the short-term and long-term costs of this option?

What are the regulations that govern this decision? Will I have to pay a fee if I miss a payment, for instance?

What will I have to give up if I use my money for this? What will I get out of it?

If this is a wrong decision, can I bear the loss of losing this money?

A financially educated person also knows how to use typical personal finance products such as checking accounts and credit cards, and also how to compute charges such as interest and fees.

Understanding how credit works, budgeting, and investing are all important aspects of personal finance.

What is wealth creation?

The process of investing in different asset classes with the intention of satisfying specific needs is known as wealth creation. Much attention should be given to these assets to ensure that they are self-contained, this will aid in bringing in a steady flow of revenue which will, in turn, contribute to the achievement of set goals.

It is impossible to become wealthy just by accumulating more money. To develop a supplementary stream of income, you must invest your money.

Wealth creation is the process of investing your accumulated money to develop your wealth by selecting investments that are aligned with your financial goals.

Besides making the appropriate investment, you should also give your investments enough time to grow if you want to build enough wealth.

By investing as early as possible in life, you can leverage the benefits of compounding. Early investors have the advantage of being able to stay involved for longer periods, making it easier for them to achieve their financial goals.

Another strategy to ensure that you reach your wealth-building goal is to expand your investments in tandem with your income growth.

The link between financial literacy and wealth creation

There really can not be any form of wealth creation without adequate financial knowledge. It goes beyond making a whole lot of money, one must consider how to appropriate those funds that come in.

Money can be made and money can also be lost. So many people are struggling financially not because they don’t have money come in, but because some do not know how to hold and multiply money.

For some others, it is their spending habit. As money comes in, it goes out immediately. No savings and no form of investment.

Financial literacy is the foundation for building wealth and one can not do without it, for wealth to be created, one must know how to make savings, and investments, pay off debts, and as well make use of debts for the right reasons.

People spend more time trying to make money and very little time learning about money itself and that is why they keep expending their energy in the pursuit of wealth creation and never attaining it.

It all begins with financial literacy, and until one can be armed with accurate and precise knowledge, wealth creation might be a journey too far.

Where to begin with financial literacy

Financial literacy can assist people in avoiding poor financial decisions, becoming self-sufficient, and achieving financial stability, but people often do not know where to begin.

Though becoming financially literate takes time, there are several simple actions you can take to get started, they include the following:

  • Learn about the financial world.
  • Make use of money management software.
  • Inquire for assistance from financial experts.
  • Make use of your connections when in need. This includes friends and families.
  • Learn how to set a budget.
  • Recognize the importance of credit.
  • Open a savings and current account and manage it. By managing it, you can avoid certain charges.
  • Understand debt and loans.
  • Make a retirement investment.
  • Recognize the dangers of identity theft. Identity theft happens when someone else makes use of your identity to engage in fraudulent activities. This could cost you a whole lot.


Financial literacy is not as difficult as people think, but it requires a willingness and a commitment to this lifelong learning process.

No one stops learning and there is no end to financial literacy. For anyone who desires to create wealth and achieve financial stability, financial literacy has to be given premium attention.

Financial literacy is the foundation upon which long-lasting wealth is built.

In all one’s pursuit of wealth, one has to be properly armed with the right financial knowledge.

Featured image source: Bplans Blog

Ugochukwu Ogbonnaya is a content writer. He specializes in writing relevant blogs, articles, and campaign messages which facilitates an excellent communication process through content marketing.


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    Felix Aikhuele
    July 12, 2022

    I liked this paragraph more “It is impossible to become wealthy just by accumulating more money. To develop a supplementary stream of income, you must invest your money.”

    Thanks for the coaching tips.

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    July 13, 2022

    Nice article. I think this is an interesting topic that is not written enough about.

    Thanks for recognizing this loophole and furnishing us with enough details to start taking our personal finances more seriously.

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