

South African infrastructural firm, H2O Securities has announced that they have raised $150 Million to launch new cryptocurrency tokens which will be channeled towards water projects.

The company also announced that this massive investment was made by GEM Digital, a global investment corporation. H20 Securities also clearly reiterated that the funds secured from the launch of the water token will be invested into infrastructure.

The company will use the tokens to provide fresh water supply to places worldwide that lack a consistent supply of clean water. This is also the first cryptocurrency water token to be launched worldwide.

The H20N cryptocurrency token investment is not GEM’s first foray into technology-based investment. GEM has a reputable investment backlog that precedes it in the investment ecosystem. It invested in several other consortiums that are focusing on creating better living conditions and improved environmental situations for people.

Notably, the company has invested in Neos Ocular (producers of shoe laces for visual improvement), Changing World Technologies (focused on processing food waste), and QBNK Holding AB (a computerized waste management service).

The H2ON “watermarks” as they are fondly called, will mainly be focused on financing water projects on a global scale much less than the technical parts of these projects. The two collaborating companies released a joint announcement regarding the token and also informed the general public that the token will be listed on the Bitmart exchange on Monday although it has been on several other decentralized exchanges for some time now.

From Thursday, the token will start listing on secondary markets which will allow more people to invest in the token.

Featured image source: Planetnewspost


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    Felix Aikhuele
    July 6, 2022

    First water token in the world coming from an African country. This is massive and beautiful. It shows that the world is gradually accepting the concepts of Web3. If the H20N token does well, there will be more to come after it. I’m definitely going to buy some.

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