

As prices dipped and markets crashed during 2022’s bear market, many companies in the blockchain ecosystem were forced to lay off staff. This was not limited to the infamous firms that were at the heart of the crash. Even major, well-managed firms like Coinbase, Gemini and OpenSea were forced to cut operational costs by laying off sizeable percentages of their workforce.


However, not all companies had to take such harsh measures. Binance, among other well-run companies, has been hiring staff for the past few months. Now another large player is enacting a major hiring spree in anticipation of an expansion in 2023. In a recent interview by Bloomberg, Polygon spokesperson – Bhumika Srivastava – announced that Polygon wants to hire approximately 200 people this year.


Polygon is a Dubai-based company founded in India that aims to improve the Ethereum blockchain by making transactions more efficient. This recent announcement means there would be an increase in personnel by nearly 40%, which, in combination with a private sale of tokens worth $450 million earlier this year, indicates that the company’s finances must be in perfect condition.


Although Polygon is based in Dubai, the current hiring process is targeting prospective personnel from around the world. The positions in question can be remotely hosted. This provides an opportunity for an attractive salary for digital nomads and the like.


However, Polygon is not expecting an easy hiring process despite being prepared to offer high salaries. According to Linkedin, the compensation for an experienced Solidity developer can go as high as $400k per year, with the average compensation priced at $101k. Some new employees will join the team already working on current Polygon developments, while an undisclosed number will be assigned to new projects that are still in the pipeline.


So far, Polygon has not publicly revealed what these new projects might be. However, 30 new hires were picked from One Planet, an NFT platform that moved its ecosystem to Polygon shortly after the Terra fiasco. This indicates that further development of NFT projects may be one of Polygon’s programs in the pipeline.


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