

As Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs) gain ground-breaking achievements in the digital world, there appears to be more in store for NFTs.

News reaching us has it that Facebook (now called “Meta”) is set to include NFT features in users’ profiles. A test run has begun, with the inclusion of NFTs in the profiles of select creators in the United States of America. Ethereum and Polygon NFTs are reportedly favorites that will be used in starting up the project, while Solana and Flow NFTs may get added support from the social media giant.

This feature will give artists the liberty to display their NFTs on their user profiles; artworks will be stored in an area called “digital collectibles”. Also, artists will be able to post their NFTs on their timelines where they can further be accessed, liked, reacted to, commented on, and even shared.
Also, the NFT-related feature will enable users to link their cryptocurrency wallets to their user profiles, making it easier to enhance digital trading activities in the social media space.

About the genuineness of the project, Meta’s Product Manager, Navdeep Singh, tweeted this on his tweeter handle: “We’re launching NFTs on Facebook! I am excited to share what I’ve been working on with the world.”

The public display of this project will make Facebook the third social media platform to introduce NFT-related features on its site. Instagram and Twitter have already begun such projects, but it has not gained much ground, especially on Twitter.

This move by Facebook is due to Meta’s realization of the fact that digital assets are gaining global popularity, hence the need to accommodate Web3 users.

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