
Social Media Giant Instagram Is Set To Integrate NFTs



According to a recent report from coindesk, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) is set to get support from Instagram for Ethereum, Solana and other chains.

The popular photo-sharing app will allow displaying NFTs issued on Ethereum, Polygon, Solana, and Flow free of charge. The four host,  Ethereum, Polygon, Solana and Flow, with most of the trading in digital collectables, accepted Instagram NFT integrations, CoinDesk said. However, it was unclear whether NFTs from all four chains would be supported in the launch, He added

source: Technoligistan

The Instagram platform owned by Meta is yet to officially confirm the move, but the report says that the tech giant might make an official announcement as early as next week.

source: investopedia

Instagram’s strike into NFTs shouldn’t come as a surprise. In December, Instagram head, Adam Mosseri said that the social media platform was “actively exploring NFTs” without stating other plans.

Instagram will not charge users for posting and sharing NFTs, as Twitter initially did for its hexagonal NFT profile pictures in January, CoinDesk said.

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