

The ongoing bitter crypto winter has been very difficult for cryptocurrency investors but true believers in the blockchain religion see this period as a high-potential investment period for visionary projects.

US VC firm Lightspeed Ventures Partners are one of the believers as they have announced that they are creating a micro team focused on blockchain – Lightspeed Fraction to invest in young and budding blockchain projects.

This announcement is after Lightspeed Venture Partners announced that they have raised $6.6 Billion for their three new US including a $500 Million fund focused on early-stage startups in India.

Presently, Lightspeed is managing assets worth about $18 Billion. The firm has disclosed that its decision to bet on Blockchain is linked to the investment thesis that technology is improving the incentives for network participants, improving funding for startups and how communities can harness their shared power to effect change.

Lightspeed Ventures started investing in cryptocurrency in 2013 and they regard digital assets and collectibles as an important technology that offers untapped opportunities to the “unbanked” population worldwide.

On the same day of Lightspeed’s announcement, another VC firm focused on crypto startups, Multicoin Capital also announced that it had raised $430 million for its third blockchain startup fund.

This is a 4x increase from the $100M they raised for their second fund. Co-founder, Kyle Samani reiterated that the bear market will not stop the company from investing aggressively in Web3 and Blockchain companies.

As much as other people see the crypto winter as a negative event, these VC funding corporations only see positivity in the opportunities to raise seed funds and invest in young cryptocurrency and blockchain companies.

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