

After Voyager had, a few days ago, rejected the buyout offer made to them by FTX, Sam Bankman-Fried — the CEO of FTX— has come out to mount pressure on the bankrupt crypto-lending company, Voyager.

The rejection of the bid to buy off Voyager’s assets at the standard market price did not go down well with the FTX CEO, as he felt clients are the ones who are running at a huge loss.

Voyager had recently filed a court statement, terming the buyout offer “a low-ball bid”. Its lawyers further made claims that the offer was like public defamation of the prestige of the company and, therefore, regarded it as a false and misleading move.

However, Sam Bankman-Fried said that the proposal — which was jointly made by FTX, FTX US, and Almeda — was targeted at ensuring that customers do not lose the remaining funds.

Furthermore, he stated that Voyager, currently facing a bankruptcy process, still has enough assets which should be channeled to its clients. He made it clear that the bankruptcy process takes years to deal with, and bankruptcy agents are now taking advantage of the situation to cart away clients’ frozen assets through the use of consulting fees. He also added that clients have suffered much loss already and must reclaim their assets regardless of any bankruptcy proceedings.

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