

Spain’s national financial regulator, the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV), has estimated that 6.9% of Spain’s adult populace have investments in cryptocurrency. Most of the members of the 6.8% percentage are from the high-income bracket, while those with lower earnings don’t find cryptocurrencies attractive.


The CMNV questioned 1,500 Spanish adult residents in a survey to find out what percentage of them have invested in cryptocurrency. The results revealed that 6.8% of them have already purchased Bitcoins or Altcoins, while the percentage varies among different demographics.


Young, educated and well-paid Spanish residents are more likely to be cryptocurrency investor. Close to 36% of the people aged 35 to 44 admitted to being cryptocurrency hodlers while only 7% of Spanish adult residents between the ages of 55 and 70 have any form of cryptocurrency investments.


Touching the educational area, 43.3% of the cryptocurrency investors in Spain have national diplomas according to the survey, while 28% lack that level of education. Similar to other countries worldwide, most crypto HODLers have stable jobs and receive heavy salaries. 41% of Spanish adult residents with paychecks of over 3000 Euros have invested in cryptocurrency while only 10.7% of Spanish adult residents earning below 1,000 Euros have investments in the digital asset market.


Unsurprisingly, 66% of cryptocurrency investors in Spain are male while 34% are female. Digital assets are recognized as a form of investment in the Iberian nation. Capital gains from cryptocurrency are even taxed in the 19-23 percent range which is still dependent on the individual’s personal total income.


The country is still far behind others in crypto adoption according to a study carried out by Gemini. Brazil and Indonesia lead the way with 41% of the polled individuals as HODLers. Spain is far away from leading economies like the UK and United States where crypto adoption is 18% and 20% respectively.


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